Have you had a chance to schedule your annual wellness visit with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) yet? There is still time for you to connect with your doctor this year. Now is a great time to schedule your appointment. Don't want to make a trip to the hospital or a doctor's office? No problem! You can schedule a virtual annual wellness visit with your PCP. A virtual visit allows you to connect with your doctor from the convenience of your home. Either way, you can follow these three easy steps to get started!
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3
Why is an annual wellness visit important?
Annual wellness visits are important because:
- They help you stay connected with your PCP. Even if you're healthy, establishing a relationship now with your PCP can be key to better health later. They can guide communication with all of your health providers, save money on your health care, and help you be more in control of your health.
- Wellness visits are considered preventive care – it’s important to have your PCP be the central point of your care team, so they can see the whole picture of your overall health needs. While you may see other specialist providers for other kinds of appointments, these wellness visits are essential for you and your PCP to better manage your health as a whole. Additionally, preventive care is no charge to you when you see an in-network provider!
- Your PCP can provide the guidance you need to better your health. They can give you insight into health, nutrition, exercise, and/or referrals to other specialists or services you may need.